Care for the Dying Person with Motor Neurone Disease
Thu, 06 Jun
|via Zoom

Time & Location
06 Jun 2024, 12:00 – 13:00 BST
via Zoom
About the Event
Neuropalliative Care: The intersection between the Neurologist and the Palliative Care team with a focus on Motor Neurone Disease
Dr Peter Allcroft BMBS FRACP FAChPM M Pall Care
Palliative care literature has traditionally focused on people with a malignancy. People with a neurological illness have unique needs, particularly around communication, prognosis and psychosocial concerns. The early loss of an ability to communicate, the uncertainty of prognosis and the immense psychological and existential distress, mandate a palliative approach to their care. There is an urgent need for the close collaboration, cooperation and exchange of knowledge between neurology and palliative care specialists to enable the best palliative care for people with an advanced neurological illness.
This presentation will explore ways to address the significant gaps in care and to explore the challenging issues of withdrawal of artificial nutrition and/or ventilation for people with advanced Motor Neurone Disease, the timing, discussion and process.
About Dr Allcroft
Dr Peter Allcroft is a Senior Staff Specialist at Southern Adelaide Palliative Services, and the Clinical Lead for the Statewide Palliative Care Network at the Commission on Excellence in Innovation and Health. He is a Member of the Palliative Care Australia Board of Directors. His initial physician training was in Thoracic and Sleep medicine, and he has worked in the field of palliative medicine for the last 20 years. He completed his Masters of Palliative Care at Flinders University. He co-founded the MND Clinic in South Australia and continues to work in the clinic. Peter is actively involved in medical education and clinical research. He is currently completing (slowly) a PhD exploring models of care for people with advanced heart failure and the intersection with palliative care. He is a member of the Research Centre for Death, Dying and Palliative Care based at Flinders University.
Flinders University College of Medicine and Public Health
Flinders University Research Centre for Death, Dying and Palliative Care
Commission on Excellence in Innovation and Health, South Australian Department of Health and Wellbeing
Southern Adelaide Palliative Services Southern Adelaide Local Health Network
Director MND Association South Australia
Director Palliative Care Australia