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Care of the dying evaluation (CODE™)

Care of the Dying Evaluation (CODE™) is a self-completion post-bereavement questionnaire, based on the key components of best practice in end of life care.  It assesses quality of care for the dying through 32 main questions, reflecting core palliative care principles.  Ten additional questions focus on demographic details.


Developed and managed by Dr Catriona Mayland, CODE™ is a user-friendly, comprehensive outcome measure for care of the dying that can be used to benchmark individual organisations and identify areas for improvement, as well as in the context of research studies.  


CODE™ has been widely translated and is now available in 11 languages, with more in development including Japanese, Mandarin, Thai, and Kannada (Indian dialect). 

If you would like to use CODE™ to evaluate the care that is provided in your own setting, please use the button below to make an initial enquiry.

CODE™ is available in the following languages:




The CODE™ evidence base is robust and ever-developing.  Below you can find links to a range of papers relating to the international use of CODE™, and those relating to the tool's original development, validation, and use.    

International use of Care of the Dying Evaluation
Assessing quality of care for the dying from the bereaved relatives' perspective: Using pre-testing survey methods across seven countries to develop an international outcome measure

Mayland CR, Gerlach C, Sigurdardottir K, Hansen MIT, Leppert W, Stachowiak A, Krajewska M, Garcia-Yanneo E, Tripodoro VA, Goldraij G, Weber M, Zambon L, Passarini JN, Saad IB, Ellershaw J, Haugen DF

Palliat Med

2019, Mar

Factors affecting quality of end-of-life hospital care - a qualitative analysis of free text comments from the i-CODE survey in Norway

Hansen MIT, Haugen DF, Sigurdardottir KR, Kvikstad A, Mayland CR, Schaufel MA; ERANet-LAC CODE project group

BMC Palliat Care

2020, July

Good Quality Care for Cancer Patients Dying in Hospitals, but Information Needs Unmet: Bereaved Relatives' Survey within Seven Countries

Haugen DF, Hufthammer KO, Gerlach C, Sigurdardottir K, Hansen MIT, Ting G, Tripodoro VA, Goldraij G, Yanneo EG, Leppert W, Wolszczak K, Zambon L, Passarini JN, Saad IAB, Weber M, Ellershaw J, Mayland CR; ERANet-LAC CODE Project Group


2021, July

Validation of “Care of the Dying Evaluation” in Emergency Medicine (CODE-EM): Pilot Phase of End-of-life Management Protocol Offered Within Emergency Room (EMPOWER) Study

Chua MT, Kuan WS, Zheng CQ, Tiah L, Kumar R, Wong YKY, Lin J, Liang S, Mayland CR, Shi L, Ibrahim I, Pal RY

Ann Palliat Med

2021, June

One chance to get it right: improving clinical handovers for better symptom control at the end of life

Goldraij G, Tripodoro VA, Aloisio M, Castro SA, Gerlach C, Mayland CR, Haugen DF; ERANet-LAC CODE Project Group

BMJ Open Qual

2021, September

Validation of 'Care Of the Dying Evaluation' (CODETM) within an international study exploring bereaved relatives' perceptions about quality of care in the last days of life.

Mayland CR, Keetharuth AD, Mukuria C, Haugen DF

J Pain Symptom Manage

2022, March

What do bereaved relatives of cancer patients dying in hospital want to tell us? Analysis of free-text comments from the International Care of the Dying Evaluation (i-CODE) survey: a mixed methods approach

Gerlach C, Baus M, Gianicolo E, Bayer O, Haugen DF, Weber M, Mayland CR; ERANet-LAC CODE Core scientific group

Support Care Cancer

2023, December

Hospital care for the dying patient with cancer: does an advance care planning invitation influence bereaved relatives' experiences? A two-country survey.

Hjorth NE, Hufthammer KO, Sigurdardottir K, Tripodoro VA, Goldraij G, Kvikstad A, Haugen DF; ERANet-LAC CODE project group; Core scientific group.

BMJ Support Palliat Care

2024, January

Original development, validation and use of Care of the Dying Evaluation
Assessing the quality of care for dying patients from the bereaved relatives' perspective: further validation of "Evaluating care and health outcomes--for the dying

Mayland CR, Williams EM, Addington-Hall J, Cox TF, Ellershaw JE

J Pain Symptom Manage

2014, April

Caring for those who die at home: the use and validation of 'Care Of the Dying Evaluation' (CODE) with bereaved relatives

Mayland CR, Lees C, Germain A, Jack BA, Cox TF, Mason SR, West A, Ellershaw JE

BMJ Support Palliat Care

2014, June

The potential therapeutic value for bereaved relatives participating in research: An exploratory study

Germain A, Mayland CR and Jack B

Palliative and Supportive Care

2016, October

How well do we currently care for our dying patients in acute hospitals. The views of bereaved relatives?

Mayland CR, Mulholland H, Gambles M, Ellershaw JE

BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care

2017, September

Quality assurance for care of the dying: engaging with clinical services to facilitate a regional cross-sectional survey of bereaved relatives’ views

Mayland C, McGlinchey T, Gambles M, Mulholland H, Ellershaw J

BMC Health Serv Res

2018, October

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