Our annual Research Thinktank is a popular online interactive event that gives our members an opportunity to share ideas for new international research projects and to join in discussions that will help to inform our future research strategy.

The 2023 event will take place via Zoom from 14:00 to 16:30 CET on 2nd March 2023.
A call for research ideas will be issued shortly, with the six most promising submissions being invited to make a five minute presentation at the Thinktank. Presentations will be followed by group discussions, open to all Collaborative members, in which submissions can be examined in more detail.
This members-only event will shape our research strategy and ensure that all of our members have a say in the Collaborative's future direction, and we very much hope that you will attend and contribute to the discussions. Zoom invitations will soon be circulated to all members, but we recommend you save the date now to be sure that you can join us for this exciting interactive event.