Step 2: Find your membership fee
About our fees
Membership fees are payable annually as set out in the table below.
2025 Membership Fees
Country income category
Small Organisation
<100 beds or
home care team
Large Organisation
>100 beds or
academic institution
Upper Middle
Lower Middle
Step 1: Decide your membership category
The Collaborative has four full membership categories:
Individual - one person
Small Organisation - two people from one single organisation or institution
Large organisation - four people from one single organisation
Group - up to twenty people from a maximum of three organisations and/or institutions
To be eligible for full membership, either as an individual or as part of an organisation or group, you must:
hold a recognised formal qualification in medicine, psychology, social sciences or nursing, or have relevant professional equivalence
be (or have been) actively engaged in research or clinical work with people with palliative and/or end of life care needs.
Step 3: Make your payment
We prefer online credit/debit card payments, wherever possible.
However, you can also pay by invoice or direct bank transfer if necessary.
How do you want to pay?
Step 4: Create your User Account
Click here to create your user account for the International Collaborative website.
User accounts are only available to Full Members of the Collaborative.
We will activate your account within five working days of receiving your membership fee.
You can create your user account at any point, but it will not be activated until your fee is paid.