Our colleagues at The Foundation for Palliative Care Education (PACED) and the European Association for Palliative Care are offering ten bursaries to October's online EAPC World Congress for people from Eastern Europe and Central Asia. If you work in, teach, or study palliative care and would like to learn about recent innovations and developments, PACED would like to hear from you!
You may apply for a bursary if:
You live in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine or Uzbekistan
You work in, teach or are a postgraduate student of palliative care
You have not registered for this year’s Congress and did not attend in 2018, 2019 or 2020
You speak English at a conversational or higher level
Each bursary will include:
Registration for the three days of the main Congress, 6 – 8 October
Invitation to a special session on 5 October on the Development of Palliative Care in the Post-Soviet Space
Invitation to a WHO meeting on Integrating Palliative Care into Universal Health Coverage, also on 5 October
Attendance at a PACED side meeting for bursary delegates, to discuss regional priorities in education
To apply:
Please write to info@paced.org.uk by 31 July 2021
State your name, type of work, workplace(s), and how long you have been involved in palliative care
Describe your motivation for attending the Congress (in no more than 300 words)
State your level of English language: basic, conversational or fluent
You will be informed by 9 August whether PACED can offer you a bursary. If you have any questions please email Mike Mandelbaum, Chief Executive of PACED, at mike.mandelbaum@paced.org.uk.