We're delighted to say that the Collaborative has achieved a big milestone in recent weeks, breaking through the 200-member mark for the first time since its inception. We are extremely pleased to have reached this marker, and we extend a warm welcome to our newest members.

Membership of the Collaborative offers the following benefits:
Access to the tools and resources in the members-only area of the Collaborative website
Participation in major international research projects and Collaborative funding bids
Opportunities to develop new quality assurance projects
Discounted rates for the Annual Symposium, a week-long event programme that includes research meetings, workshops, social events, and more
Discounted rates for the Annual Summer School, a three-day workshop designed to drive forward the implementation of the 10/40 Model and develop new/existing project proposals
Guidance and support from the International Collaborative Coordinating Centre and an increasing number of local Reference Centres in individual countries
Reduced-rate access to a range of additional events and training opportunities
We look forward to engaging with our new members and to welcoming yet more as the Collaborative continues to grow.